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Communicatie Meesterschap: Essentiële zachte vaardigheden voor succes

Communicatie Meesterschap: Essentiële zachte vaardigheden voor succes

Prijs: $199.99


What you’ll walk away with

  • Essential soft skills like assertiviteit, waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen, conflict management, effective listening enz.

  • Higher zelfvertrouwen to eliminate shyness and present yourself anywhere with confidence.

  • Practical understanding of emotional control, self-awareness en waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen in day to day life.

  • Learn human personality and ego states to help you communicate to be heard every time you speak to a human.

  • Implement the principle of “PRAT People Respond As Treated” & understand how to put yourself in the shoes of a receiver & constructively de-escalate difficult situations & convert them to opportunities for growth.

  • Lead when you are not in charge and influence others using a proven system of communication that I have researched & developed over the past 23 jaar.

  • Improve your leadership skills & develop an ability to provide constructive criticism to your subordinates, peers & seniors.

  • In deze cursus leer je altijd WAAROM communication styles & use every opportunity of communication whether verbal or non-verbal to foster long-term rewarding relationships with your boss, collega's, spouse, wat de mogelijkheden van de parser aanzienlijk zou kunnen uitbreiden, ouders & even strangers.

  • Understand and enhance assertiviteit & use it to your advantage in difficult situations.

  • Practice the essentials of listening & understand how to “listen-to-learn” instead of “listening-to-reply”.

  • The skills taught in this course will help you level up in your career & assist you in situations where hard-skills & technological competencies fall short to get you the edge above the competition.

En meer!

This course is also full of stories, examples and worksheets that allow you to implement your learning, understand your personality & use real-life examples to improve your daily life.

Voor wie is deze cursus bedoeld?:

  • Anyone facing problems with career growth, personal relationships & willingness to learn life-changing communication techniques and soft skills.

  • Anyone interested in adapting their style to communicate their message effectively to different personalities and individuals.

  • Anyone with a drive to effectively deal with difficult people & situations to always convert them into opportunities for growth.

  • Anyone looking to fill the generation gap to create a deeper connection with their kids.

  • Excellent for fresh graduates trying to get an upper hand in their job search and career growth.

Onthouden, there is no risk involved. Check out our preview videos en course contents page to make sure that this is exactly the course you need.

Schrijf nu in door op de te klikken [SCHRIJF NU IN] knop, en join my course 100% risk-free now!

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