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Java 8 New Features In Simple Way

Java 8 New Features In Simple Way

Prijs: $49.99

Java 8 is one of the major and more prestigious version from Java. In this video tutorials we covered every topic in detail on the board and on the system with live execution. Definitely you can feel like you are learning in class room directly from the instructor. As the part of this course we are covering the following 11 topics.

1. Lambda Expressions
2. Functional Interfaces
3. Default methods in Interface
4. Static Methods in Interfaces.
5. Predicate
6. Functie
7. Consumer
8. Supplier
9. Method Reference & Constructor Reference by Double Colon(::) Operator.
10. Stream API
11. Date & Time API ( Joda API)

After completing this video course, we are sure, you will be in a position to give left and right anywhere about these new features.

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