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Leer front-end webontwikkeling van scratch

Leer front-end webontwikkeling van scratch

Prijs: $29.99

Leer front-end webontwikkeling van scratch will teach you how to develop responsive front-end websites the fun and easy way. Enrolling in this course will get you over ten hours of video that is easy to follow so that you can practice all that you learn, as you progress. Leer front-end webontwikkeling van scratch will teach you everything you need to know to get up and running developing front end web pages. You will begin by exploring and mastering HyperText Markup Language (HTML). HTML is often referred to as the building blocks of the internet. It offers web pages better structure. Once you have got a solid grasp on structure, you will move onto aesthetics and how you can make your sites look great. Learning to use Cascading Style Sheets (Alle soorten projecten implementeren) is a powerful way to achieve fantastic looking pages that are highly customisable. After you understand HTML and CSS, the next logical step is to learn a front-end framework, and the most popular and modern front-end framework is Bootstrap. It offers quick and easy methods for adding aesthetic features and functionality by using pre-written CSS and JavaScriptall you need to do is include the class in your HTML.

It is my hope that you will find this course to be an excellent introduction into the world of web development, and that you will not just learn something new, but that you will have fun as you do.

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