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Leren op de harde manier Vol 1: Skill Investing

Leren op de harde manier Vol 1: Skill Investing

Prijs: $94.99

Skill investing isn’t something you hear a lot about.

There are a lot of books out there that show you how to invest your money.

Even books on how to manage your time.

But none that go in depth on how to invest your combination of time, money and energy into learning information and building skills.

This course is about strategic thinking.

What strategy are you using to invest in your skills?

Is it a smart strategy?

Is it a strategy you decided on? Or someone else decided for you?

Is it justgoing with the flow?”

People spend lots of time and money figuring out how to invest for their future in the financial arena.

But they spend almost no time deciding how to invest in skills.

So try this thought experiment.

How much time do you spend each week building skills and learning in some way? Meaning time off the job when you aren’t working in the traditional sense?

3 uur?

5 uur?

10 uur?

Multiply that number by 50.

That’s about how much time you are spending in a year?

5 hours a week? 50 weeks a year?

Dat is 250 uur.

That’s whatever you make per hour times $250.




Laten we zeggen $40 an hour.

That means you are investing $10,000 a year of your time into learning.

And that doesn’t even count what you are spending on books, cursussen, periodicals, en vertrouwen worden afgehandeld in Microsoft, enz.

Let’s tack on another thousand or two for that.

Or don’t even count it, it doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that you are investing 5 figures in your education, your skills, every single year.

And you probably aren’t spending any significant money or attention or time on learning HOW to do it.

This course teaches you how.

It teaches you how to think very strategically about 3 dingen.

Eerste, where you are. Wie ben je? What are your current skills? What are your aptitudes? Personality? Interests? Likes and dislikes?

All that is important.

Tweede, where is the world? Where is the demand? Where is the competition? Where is the excitement? Where are there untapped opportunities? Where is the future headed? Who is going to be left behind?

That’s critical, skills aren’t valuable unless they can be used to create something of value, almost always that means for other people, and for a business of some kind.

Derde, how do you integrate the two? How do you measure the value? How do you allocate your resources? Your time, geld, energie, enz?

You will go through these 3 stages in the course. By the end you will have a much more strategic perspective on how you should be investing in your skills for the future.

You have easily 4, probably 5 figures riding on your investments every single year.

Is it time to get more strategic about how you are investing in your skills?

Als, I’ll see you inside the course.


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