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Performance Testing Using Gatling

Performance Testing Using Gatling

Prijs: $79.99

Welcome to Performance Testing Using Gatling!

In deze cursus, we will first lay the foundation by going through Scala concepts so that you understand Gatling’s scripts better.
Then we will dig deep into the concepts of Gatling like session management, feeders, checks, response handling, advanced level injection profiles, en meer.
We will then move onto Gatling’s support for protocols like SSE & WebSocket.
Gatling is getting popular as it fits well with continuous integration platforms. We do not want you to miss out on that, and hence a complete section is dedicated to the integration of Gatling with Jenkins.
While you may think you are done with the advanced concepts, we believe that your journey has just begun. While we would have already given lots of hands-on activities, we present you with the development of a complete performance framework for Gatling.

Looking forward to having you on board with us.


Bushra & Anuradha

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