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PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation oefenexamens (4 Microsoft® AZ-400)

PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation oefenexamens (4 Microsoft® AZ-400)

Prijs: $34.99


AXELOS Limited is the owner of the PRINCE2® and PRINCE2 Agile® registered trademark. These practice exams are neither endorsed by, noch in partnerschap, nor affiliated with Axelos. This course may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The views, je zult in staat zijn om je hersenen opnieuw te bedraden en gewoonten te beheersen, and opinions expressed in the course belong solely to the author. This course contains only practice tests and no video lectures.

Welcome to PRINCE2 Agile Foundation® Practice Exams.

This course offers 4 full length practice tests each with 50 vragen.

What is PRINCE2 Agile Foundation® Certification?

The PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certificate is designed to help professionals deliver agile projects by tailoring PRINCE2 with agile delivery techniques and frameworks.

How to prepare for the exam?

Below are my recommendations:

  1. Self-Study PRINCE2 Agile Guide® and understand it in depth.

  2. Or Attend a course offered by ATO

  3. Validate learning with practice tests like this in course

Waarom deze cursus??

If you are preparing for PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation and looking for practice tests, dan ben je hier aan het goede adres.

This course contains the right mix of difficulty in the questions to simulate the real exam. Every question has been carefully drafted covering all the subject areas of the exam and every question has an explanation.

Er zijn 4 practice tests in this course, each with 50 vragen.

How to purchase the exam voucher?

You can purchase the exam voucher via PeopleCert or via an Authorized Training Organization.

What to expect in the exam?

Je moet antwoorden 50 questions in 60 minutes and score 55% to pass the certification. Practice tests in this course will help you prepare for the challenge.

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