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Starterkit voor Scrum Master met JIRA – De day2day-taak

Starterkit voor Scrum Master met JIRA – De day2day-taak

Prijs: $79.99

You have no experience as a Scrum Master? You are new to the job market and you wonder how to start? Then this is THE class for you!! You will gain the confidence to go for an interview or start working since you will feel like you already have some experience. It’s not just about the knowledge of Scrum but the knowledge of working as a Scrum Master.

Throughout this beginner’s class, I will be your personal mentor. I will coach you into your role of a Scrum Master by looking at the practical aspects of the job, using basic JIRA.

With this starter kit, I will also present the product so if you are a new Product Owner, this will be a helpful example for you.

JIRA, being one of the most commonly used tool in Scrum, is the one that we will use to manage the backlog, user stories and to track the team’s progress towards their Sprint Goal.

As a BONUS, I will also be showing you how to use Confluence as a documentation tool.

Whenever I mention the Scrum Guide, rest assured that I am referring to the latest 2020 Scrum-gids.

For an experienced Scrum Master, stay tuned for upcoming advanced lesson.

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