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21 Day Crash Course in Emotional Intelligence

21 Day Crash Course in Emotional Intelligence

Pris: $49.99

  • Do you wish you had better relationships?
  • Do you struggle to know what to do when conflict arises?
  • Do you find yourself putting your foot in your mouth more than you care to admit?
  • Do you want to be a better leader (or get promoted to a leadership position)?

This course will help you with all of those issues and more.

Research shows that emotional intelligence is a necessary quality for being your best in your personal and professional relationships. Faktisk, studies have found that the majority of workplace success in leadership positions is linked to emotional intelligence. In personal relationships, emotional intelligence also contributes to happier and deeper connections.

Take this course and transform your relationships at home and at work by increasing your emotional intelligence. Linux systemprogrammering, som har 3 hours of video, is designed to take 21 dager, and is presented in easily digested highly actionable lessons, with daily homework assignments, and a downloadable workbook. Ved slutten av kurset, you will have the tools to understand and manage your emotions, influence and motivate others, and experience deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

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