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A Book A Week

A Book A Week

Pris: $19.99

New Content Added: As a bonus, you will get to watch some videos which are created with the purpose to make the process of learning fun.

Have you experienced any of the following

  • Are you guilty of buying books and not reading them? eller

  • You always decide to create a reading habit from next week/month/year but never ever to do that or

  • After reading for a few days you never continue with the reading activity

Then the e-course – “A book a week” is for you

Innebygd Linux med Yocto?

  1. Understanding the psychology of habit creation

  2. How to select a book

  3. How to avoid feeling sleepy and being focused while reading

  4. Finding your personality type

  5. An action plan as per your personality type (not one size fits for all type)

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