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Adobe Illustrator – Nybegynner til Guru – 2021

Adobe Illustrator – Nybegynner til Guru – 2021

Pris: $54.99

Learn to Create Beautiful Graphics on this Comprehensive Adobe Illustrator Course

This is a comprehensive Adobe Illustrator on the Desktop course, med over 12 hours of lessons and projects. It starts from scratch for complete beginners, through to advanced techniques. Even if you are already an occasional Illustrator user, you will still find numerous techniques to speed up your workflow.

Using the CC 2020 and CC 2021 versjoner, I show you the techniques and concepts within the software. You do not have to be able to draw to be able to create beautiful graphics on this Adobe Illustrator course.

I will demonstrate a number of techniques for you to try and then give you exciting real life example projects to carry out so you can easily put these into practice for your own artwork, graphic design work and marketing materials. Whether you want to get paid for your Illustrator skills, or you’re doing this for fun / self-improvement, this course and the projects will help you build confidence to be able to work effectively and creatively.

Here’s a précis of what you will learn!

  • Understand the Adobe Illustrator workspace og Jeg har implementert alle disse konseptene her i ett enkelt prosjekt

  • Create and edit amazing grafikk

  • Create beautiful typography

  • Skape infografikk

  • Create your own mønstre og symbols

  • Learn how to create and apply special effects og stiler

  • Skape custom brushes to enhance your artwork

  • På dette kurset vil du alltid lære HVORFOR farge

  • Skape logos og ikoner

  • Understand the Live tools

  • Lær hvordan du bruker Perspective tools

  • Work with 3D shapes

  • Make sense of Masks og Layers

  • Export for web eller skrive ut

Written and presented by Tim Wilson who is an Adobe Certified Expert and Adobe Certified Instructor as well as a university lecturer for honours degree design courses in the UK. Han har over 20 years of experience in training and is also a prolific designer and illustrator.

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