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After Effect: Learn VFX Visual Effects for beginners

After Effect: Learn VFX Visual Effects for beginners

Pris: $19.99

Are you one of those who want to impress your world by creating amazing and exciting videos with wonderful visual effects? Or are you going to start your career as a visual effects artiste… Or are you interested to learn more about after effect. If your answer is yes, Then you are at right place. Jeg er her for å hjelpe deg.

Though this course doesn’t require any previous experience about after effect. But it is good if you have some basic knowledge of after effect interface. But if you don’t have, that’s okay, I have added a section for quick learning, so you are not going to be in trouble anymore. In that essential section, you will be familiar to all necessary things about after effect interface and workflow.

By learning all basic of visual effects, you will be able to move in your next level.

Hva du vil lære?

· Essential quick training about after effect interface/workflow

· Cloning, rotoscoping, morphing, motion tracking, disintegration etc..

· More tutorial and projects every month

This course is divided in different section. And every month, new content (tutorial) will be added.

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