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Agile Project Management: Effective Client Kick-off Toolkit

Agile Project Management: Effective Client Kick-off Toolkit

Pris: $29.99


Effective project kick off with the client is critical for laying out the foundation of a successful project and aligning stakeholders expectations. While Waterfall is prescriptive in multiple areas such as change and scope management, Agile is not. Failing to address that and communicate effectively leads to confusion and mismatching expectations between stakeholders.

In this course I will share with you best practice I have distilled through my robust 12+ years experience working on various complex projects. I will take you by the hand and I will help you with a step-by-step practical guidance on how to initiate an Agile project by aligning with the client on all key aspects such as methodology and communication.

The course provides practical know-how and is based on lessons learned through the years, ensuring most effective and impactful kick off for agile projects. De maler provided are exhaustive, yet concise and visually appealing, ready to be used out of the box without any or with minimal customization. The video content is crisp and to the point, without unnecessary time wasting filler content. Dette saves your valuable time and you benefit from having the needed template information identified and presented in an easily digestible manner.

Vi sees på kurset!


* Feel invited to check out my other Agile courses on Udemy and to join the Facebook group The Agile Corner Collection

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