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Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-220 sertifiseringspraksistest: Microsoft Azure IoT-utvikler

Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-220 sertifiseringspraksistest: Microsoft Azure IoT-utvikler

Pris: $19.99

The Azure IoT Developer is responsible for the implementation and the coding required to create and maintain the cloud and edge portion of an IoT solution. In addition to configuring and maintaining the devices by using cloud services, the IoT Developer also sets up the physical devices. The IoT Developer is responsible for maintaining the devices throughout the life cycle.

The IoT Developer implements designs for IoT solutions, including device topology, tilkobling, debugging and security. The IoT Developer deploys compute/containers and configures device networking. The IoT Developer implements designs for solutions to manage data pipelines, including monitoring and data transformation as it relates to IoT. The IoT Developer works with data engineers and other stakeholders to ensure successful business integration.

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