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AZ-500 : Learn Azure AD PIM in 60 minutter

AZ-500 : Learn Azure AD PIM in 60 minutter

Pris: $79.99

————–Course Released in March 2021—————

Master Azure AD Privileged Identity Management Concepts and understand how to limit standing administrator access to privileged roles.

Fra abstrakt inntrykk til animert gif + Hands on Demonstrations + Easy to Understand Examples

Companies want to minimize the identities who have access to secure resources, because that reduces the chance of a compromised actor getting that access, or an authorized user knowingly impacting a sensitive resource. derimot, users/identities still need to carry out privileged operations in Azure AD and Azure.

Companies can give users JIT privileged access to Azure resources and Azure AD.

There is also a need for oversight for what the users are doing with their administrator privileges (Audit)

In this course we are going to cover the below contents:

  • Pain Points in Manual assignment

  • What is Azure AD PIM?

  • Azure AD PIM Capabilities

  • Manage Assignments

  • PIM License Requirements with examples

  • PIM Terminology

  • Demonstrasjon: Using PIM with Azure AD Role

  • Demonstrasjon: Using PIM with Azure RBAC Role

The discussion on Azure AD Privileged Identity Management is also going to help you in a number of certifications like AZ-500 (Microsoft Azure Security Technologies), AZ-303 (Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies) and AZ-304 (Microsoft Azure Architect Design).

This course is a course with a difference as the focus is on making your concepts clear.

The course is going to have a lot of whiteboarding discussions and hopefully you will love it.

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