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AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate –  Tester

AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate – Tester

Pris: $19.99

The course has been designed keeping Microsoft’s first ever security certificationCertified Azure Security Engineer Associate Certification. – MCSA i tankene.

Denne praksistesten er tilpasset AZ-500 eksamensmålene. The course has

4 fullføre tidsbestemte tester, of 40-questions each. Det er 160 questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.

Non-repeated 160 spørsmål.

Question framed on five different modules.

Scenario based questions, Business use case types questions, Best answer types questions available.

Once in 30 days refresh on the db of the questions.

Quick response to students’ queries.

Questions are taken from my experience with the Actual exam.

The explanation for the correct answers given.

Lifetime access to these questions. Det er ingen tidsbegrensning. Du kan ta quizene så mange ganger du vil.

The skills measured in the exam along with the percentage of question asked are as below:

* Administrer identitet og tilgang (20-25%)

* Implementer plattformbeskyttelse (35-40%)

* Administrer sikkerhetsoperasjoner (15-20%)

* Sikre data og applikasjoner (30-35%)

There are questions about each of these areas in the exact percentage mentioned above.

The practice test course which have the same weighting as the real exam.

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