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AZ-900 – Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp 2021

AZ-900 – Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp 2021

Pris: $29.99



v.3.0 Feb2021Improved and Recorded completely the entire course, fra bunnen av, i 2021!

Azure cloud is changing so fast these days and so is Azure Portal. Azure Portal is the web management interface that we will be using in this course to configure and interact with Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

This course reflects and is 100% aligned to latest Azure Portal changes and, selvfølgelig, covers the latest AZ-900 exam changes and updates!

Enroll today and let’s cloud! Either you start learning today or in six months from now, you are well assured that This course will always be up-to-date!


v2.0 november 2020 – Kurset er fullstendig oppdatert med nye AZ-900 eksamenskrav – nov 9, 2020.

Following lectures have been added, marked with [NY] label in the course sections.

  • Azure Government and Azure China

  • Subscriptions and Management Groups in Azure

  • Azure Event Grid

  • Azure SQL Managed Instance Fundamentals 101

  • om hvert emne og forklarer hvert konsept grundig med eksempler – Create Azure SQL MI in Azure Portal

  • Azure ExpressRoute Fundamentals 101

  • Azure Bot Service Fundamentals 101

  • GitHub and GitHub Actions for Azure Fundamentals 101

  • Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure

  • Microsoft Privacy Statement, OST and DPA

  • Microsoft Trust Center, STP and Compliance Manager

  • Conditional Access and SSO in Azure

  • Azure Sentinel Fundamentals 101

  • Azure Dedicated Hosts Fundamentals 101

  • Azure Composite SLA Fundamentals

  • Azure Service Lifecycle Fundamentals


v1.2 May 2020

  • Lagt til praksiseksamen #2 – Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 eksamen, 45Spørsmål med detaljerte forklaringer og referanser til offisiell dokumentasjon


v1.1 April 2020

  • Lagt til praksiseksamen #1 – Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 eksamen, 45Spørsmål med detaljerte forklaringer og referanser til offisiell dokumentasjon


v1.0 March 2020

  • Kursoppstart


Velkommen! I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the newest Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam.

Beginners welcome: no need to know anything about Microsoft Azure!

This is going to be an 11 hours long journey and passing the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam will be worth it!


I have closely aligned this course with the official Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam guide and structured the course so that you can study at a pace that suits you best. I start with some basic background to get everyone up to speed on what cloud computing is and its benefits, before progressing through each knowledge domain.

I am absolutely convinced that using practical hands-on labs will improve memory retention and maximise knowledge, so I have included many (valgfri) hands-on guided labs for those who have the time and desire to build a practical skillset. With this all-in-on Udemy Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp, you’ll be ready to pass the men du kan også poste i QA-delen AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam Questions.

This Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Training Bootcamp course is different from the other ones you’ll find on Udemy.

  • We will spend over 11 hours discussing Azure in depth.

  • It covers in-depth all the new topics on the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam

  • It’s packed with practical knowledge and hands-on labs on how to really deploy Microsoft Azure fundamental services

  • It teaches you how to prepare for the AZ-900 exam OG how to prepare for the real world

  • Det er en logical progression of topics, not a list of random services

  • Det er fast-paced and to the point

  • Alle 600+ slides available as downloadable PDF

  • English Professional Closed Captions (CC)

For å si det enkelt, here’s what we’ll learn to PASS the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals exam:

  • Azure Cloud Fundamentals: cloud deployment and computing models, Azure global infrastructure with regions and availability zones

  • Azure Core Compute Services: VM-er, NSGs, LBs, Containers, Azure App Service, Azure Function, Azure Logic-apper

  • Azure Core Storage Services: Storage Accounts, Managed Disks, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files Storage, Azure Queues Storage, Azure Tables

  • Azure Core Databases Services: Cosmos DB, SQL DB, MySQL DB, PostgreSQL DB

  • Azure Miscellaneous Services: IoT, Big Data and Analytics, Skript brukes i naturlige språkforståelsessystemer for å organisere en kunnskapsbase i forhold til situasjonen som systemet skal forstå & ML, DevOps in Azure

  • Azure Resource Manager: ARM and ARM templates, Tagger, Policies and Locks

  • Monitoring and Compliance: Azure Blueprints, Advisor, Azure Monitor, Azure Service Health

  • Security Services Fundamentals: Cloud Shared Responsibility Model, Azure Security Center, Azure Active Directory, MFA, konfigurere Azure AD Join, Firewall & DDoS, Azure Key Vault, AIP, ATP

  • Priser og støtte: TCO Calculator, Azure Advisor, Azure Cost Management, Azure Support Plans, Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)


The course was excellent and went into greater detail than was required to pass the exam, including practical demonstrations to reinforce the concepts. I would highly recommend this course to anyone studying for the AZ-900 exam.


This is THE most amazing AZ-900 Fundamentals Course i have seen in Udemy and on the ‘Net. I recommend this course to anybodyas it is crisp clear and complex enough to understand the concepts. The practicals / hands-on dispersed across the course helps one to understand the concepts fully.


Really loved this course. This course helped me pass the first time. I think what separates this course from others is the fact that this course has a lot of hands-on exercises, and the instructor really knows his stuff. Happy studying everyone!


Excelente, muy completo! Totalmente recomendable.


Great content, concise and easy to follow. Jeg vil bare takke deg for disse kursene nok en gang 880 ut av 1000, with help from this course, especially the labs, quizes and practice exams. Oh and remainder to delete all resources helps to save some $$$ from unexpected Azure costs. Mange takk, Ciprian, and looking forward to more Azure courses for AZ104, 300 & 301 from you!

This Azure AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:

  • Det er mange hands-on lectures in every module

  • Det er Quiz at the end of every module

  • We’ll be using the Azure Free Tier most of the time

Forbered applikasjonsdistribusjonspakken som skal distribueres til AWS:

  • Lifetime access to all future updates

  • A responsive instructor in the Q&lydhør instruktør

  • Udemy fullføringsbevis Klar for nedlasting

  • Course Audiobook to Learn on the go

  • Quizzes at the End of each Module

  • Two Exam Practice Tests

  • English Professional Closed Captions (CC)

tilbyr AWS-sertifiseringsopplæringsressurser som representerer en høyere kvalitetsstandard enn det som ellers er tilgjengelig i markedet

I am totally confident in the value of this Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Training Bootcamp which comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Fast-track your Azure exam success and get tilbyr AWS-sertifiseringsopplæringsressurser som representerer en høyere kvalitetsstandard enn det som ellers er tilgjengelig i markedet nå – tilbyr AWS-sertifiseringsopplæringsressurser som representerer en høyere kvalitetsstandard enn det som ellers er tilgjengelig i markedet!

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