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Azure DevOps for Automation Testers Selenium + CICD-konsepter

Azure DevOps for Automation Testers Selenium + CICD-konsepter

Pris: $54.99

This Course provides step to step details about

  1. CI/CD concepts,

  2. Microsoft Visual Studio,

  3. Selenium Webdriver,

  4. Write selenium Tests using MS Test,

  5. Push code into Microsoft Azure Devops,

  6. Show example of working in as a Team and contributing the Azure Devops Project

  7. Configuring policies and permissions in the Azure Project

  8. GIT source code management

  9. Pull Requests and Code reviews of selenium tests prior to merge in to Remote Repositories

  10. Configuration of Selenium Tests in Azure project to run in Automated Schedule Runs

  11. Configuration of Selenium Tests in Azure project to run in Continuous Integration

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