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Back Yourself – with Rinus le Roux

Back Yourselfwith Rinus le Roux

Pris: $24.99

The ways in which we have defined success, overlevelse, education and mastery up to now have expired. We are at a new junction. Many of the practices and behaviours we adopted in the past in order to navigate our lives have lost their relevance and there is an urgent need to find new ways of thinking around behaviour that will sustain the future. The information and skills we acquired through the educational system and our own experience are outdated. In the new economy the mere fact that you have completed a degree, acquired a skill or learned a trade will no longer guarantee you a job or an income. We are now all in virgin territory when it comes to work, behaviour and earning an income. This book provides a number of concepts and behaviours that may assist you in reshaping your approach to work and to life, equipping you with a better chance to deal with both your present and your future. The new passwords are Knowledge, Forbindelse, Context, Mastery and Action and the single most important skill you can acquire is to Back Yourself.

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