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Blender 2.8: create photorealistic materials procedurally

Blender 2.8: create photorealistic materials procedurally

Pris: $29.99

Learn how to create photorealistic pbr materials in the node editor procedurally. Procedural textures are extremely useful because unlike image based textures procedural textures can be configured in a lot of ways, they don’t have limited resolution and they can be customized to your preference. This course will teach you everything you need to know when creating procedural materials using a pbr workflow.

Everything in the course is organized into individual sections with a step-by-step approach to the techniques I used. All of the project files created in the course are included in the project files in the last section of the course. This course has lots of information and at the end of the course you will be able to create highly detailed procedural materials with ease.

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