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Bygg selvdisiplin for å oppnå høy ytelse

Bygg selvdisiplin for å oppnå høy ytelse

Pris: $29.99

Achieving anything of worth requires hard work and a sustained effort over time. There is only one thing that gives you the ability to sustain, creatively problem solve, and do what you need to do to achieve something you have set out to do. Self-discipline is that one thing. Self-discipline is what gets you through the tough stuff and pushes you to continue moving forward so you can achieve what you set out to do. I will teach you evidence-based strategies to help you build the incredible self-discipline you need to apply to achieve your goals. Self-discipline requires you to have grit, learn from your mistakes, and welcome challenges. Personal growth requires self-discipline. I applaud you for taking steps to build yours even further! Join me on a great adventure and unleash your potential.

I dette kurset, I will walk you through the process that I used to build self-discipline. You will learn to align your actions, missions, and goals with your passion and purpose. If you don’t have a passion and purpose yet, FULL praksiseksamen, you will get the opportunity to explore how to build your passion and purpose. The only way to find your passion and purpose is to take action. gjør deg emosjonell og glad på samme tid!

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