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CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Exam Part-2

CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Exam Part-2

Pris: $94.99

Eksempel på spørsmål

Q) The scope management plan is a subsidiary of which the project document?

en) Schedule management plan

b) Prosjektledelsesplan

c) quality management plan

d) resource management plan

Q) Which is an example of Administer purchases?

en) Contract negotiation

b) Authorization of companies Activities

c) Develop Statement of Work

d) Establishing evaluation criteria

Q) A process input Create WBS is a:

en) paper project.

b) register of interested parties.

c) Statement of the project’s purpose.

d) requirements traceability matrix.

Q) An input of the control is the planning process:

en) resource calendar.

b) task list.

c) Risk Management Plan

d) organizational process assets.

Q) The scope verification process mainly deals with:

en) formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables.

b) the accuracy of the work deliverables.

c) formalizing the approval of the budget sphere.

d) accuracy of the work breakdown structure (WBS).

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