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Kreativ skriving: Kreative øvelser for nye skriveideer

Kreativ skriving: Kreative øvelser for nye skriveideer

Pris: $119.99

With this creative writing workshop, we’ll tackle different writing exercises to get your creativity flowing for new character ideas, story plots or even your next poem!

We will focus on having you write to discover new ideas, increase your creative thinking flexibility as a writer and make a side income from your writing by next month!


Tatiana Ambrose graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. The biggest lesson that she has learned is that in this day and age creativity is a required skill to have. Companies aren’t looking for sheep or for someone to rewrite the same story in a different place. They are wanting fresh content.

In creative writing, the biggest obstacle for writers is to actually write!

Some may have writer’s block, men til slutt, it all boils down to that writer not being inspired creatively for new ideas or motivated to finish their writing piece. This course is filled with creative exercises that will get you to think from a fresh perspective and generate new ideas for your next writing piece!

This is a must-take course if you are done being stuck, and ready to get inspired to write!


X SUPERHUMAN Fokus I love this! Has lots of creative activities to get my creativeness flowing in new ways. I’m working on a fantasy novel at the moment and this is giving me new ideas for me to carry on writing. She has a clear and calm voice, doesn’t rush and even shows her own results from the activities. I will be recommending this to those even who are advanced writers since it’s for creativeness. I think this is great for anyone. Thank you for doing this workshop!” -Jynx

X SUPERHUMAN Fokus This workshop brings the best of creativity in you, it not only helps us write but also helps in thinking in creative manners too. it is very helpful and has very fun-packed exercises. -Moshik


  • Spark your creative thinking

  • Generate your next great story idea

  • Make a side income from writing stories, novels and poems

  • Discover inspiration around you

  • Kick-start writing again

  • Proven creativity-boosting writing exercises from a creative writer


  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if this course is not the right fit

  • Responsive instructor to answer all your questions in the Q&En seksjon

  • Lifetime access to future course updates

  • Start your own creativity journal

  • How to improve your writing

  • Steps to build a daily writing habit

  • Signs your job may be hurting your creativity

  • Overcome frustration in your creative thinking


X SUPERHUMAN Fokus Great exercises to get me writing again and get me thinking with creativity also. -Cindy

X SUPERHUMAN Fokus Really great exercises that made me use my creativity and I got some good results at the end. -Yolanda

Go ahead, enroll in this course to ignite your creativity and get excited about writing again!

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