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Digital Forensics for Pentesters – Praktisk læring

Digital Forensics for Pentesters – Praktisk læring

Pris: $19.99

Digital forensics is becoming very important in Cyber Security to detect and backtrack Black Hat Criminals. It is essential to remove Hackers’ malicious backdoors/malware and trace them back to avoid any possible future incidents. Digital forensics is becoming very important in Cyber Security to detect and backtrack Black Hat Criminals. Digital forensics is essential to remove Hackers’ malicious backdoors/malware and trace them back to avoid any possible future incidents.

This course acts as a digital forensics primer for pentesters and cybersecurity professionals wanting to expand their knowledge and add additional tools and skills to their resume.

Please watch the course overview before enrolling. ROS Robot-operativsystem for absolutt nybegynnere, applied learning is not for everyone. If you are looking for a PowerPoint driven course where students watch videos, download PDf files, and take notes, this course is ikke for deg. There are plenty of lecture drive courses on Udemy but this is not one of them.

Make sure you understand the difference between watching and applying.

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