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DP-203 – Datateknikk på Microsoft Azure 2021

DP-203 – Datateknikk på Microsoft Azure 2021

Pris: $89.99

This course is designed for students who want to attain the “Microsoft-sertifisert: Azure Data Engineer Associate” sertifisering

This course has contents for the Exam DP-203

The objectives covered in this course are

  • Design and implement data storage (40-45%)

  • Design and develop data processing (25-30%)

  • Design and implement data security (10-15%)

  • Monitor and optimize data storage and data processing (10-15%)

In this course students will learn about the various Azure services that pertain to Data Engineering. Some of the important aspects that students will learn include the following

  • What is the purpose of an Azure Data Lake Gen 2 storage account

  • Basics on Transact-SQL commands

  • How to work with Azure Synapse. This will include building a data warehouse into a dedicated SQL Pool.

  • How to build an ETL pipeline with the help of Azure Data Factory. There will be various scenarios on how to create mapping data flows.

  • How to stream data with the use of Azure Stream Analytics. You can see how SQL commands can be used for your streaming data.

  • Basics on the Scala programming language, and SPARK

  • How to work with SPARK, Scala in Azure Databricks. We will see how to work with Notebooks. We will also see how to stream data into Azure Databricks.

  • The different security measures and monitoring aspects to consider when working with Azure services

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