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Emotional Intelligence For Beginners

Emotional Intelligence For Beginners

Pris: $94.99

Take a moment to reflect upon these questions

  • Do you struggle with understanding your emotions? Behaviours?

  • Do you struggle to understand social situations more than you would care to admit?

  • Do you beat yourself up every time you make a mistake; leaving you feeling defeated and vulnerable?

I så fall, dette kurset er for deg.

SEO Training Masterclass 3 module course, you will learn everything you need to know about Empath ferdighetsbygging to help you

  • Bli flere at peace with who you are

  • Manage your internal critic with greater ease

  • Take you out of the dark about you and your følelser

  • Bygge stronger and healthier relationships

  • Bli flere in control over your life (by being strategic)

Sound promising? Du trenger ikke å huske alt. Let’s break down the 3 modules you will learn in this course (which include practical hands on exercises)…

  1. Understanding emotions
    Emotions are confusing especially when we’re unfamiliar with their function. I dette kurset, we’ll be covering the 5 basic emotions in depth focusing on each emotion’s motive, body language and importance.
    You will learn how to notice them within yourself and in others.

  2. Selvbevissthet
    Self awareness means being honest about yourself with yourself. The big question of, “Why do I do what I do?” will be covered in this course. You will learn how to mindfully notice your thoughts, følelser, atferd, Avansert EID Practitioner, triggers and physical sensations helping you make better decisions.

  3. Self-Acceptance
    Our internal critic can be MEAN! It makes an appearance when we make a mistake or when we fail to live up to our own high standards. I dette kurset, you will be introduced to various self compassion techniques and mindfulness training (enabling you to disarm your internal critic without the vicious fight).

Why do I need emotional intelligence in my life?

If the word emotional intelligence sound like an oxymoron to you, delta på en astronomi-forelesning holdt av et MacArthur-geni. We tend to think that intelligence and emotions are separate things. derimot, when emotions and intelligence combine we come to see an essentially new type of smartthe ability to manage one’s own emotions, thoughts and behaviours while proactively engaging with others as well. To be emotionally intelligent in essence means that we can use our emotions to think and enhance our reasoning.

This becomes useful in SO many areas of our life; from the relationship we have with ourselves to our external relationships and to our careers. We can notice our limiting core beliefs and challenge them. We can confront our internal critic with understanding and compassion versus harsh criticism. We can identify our triggers and can anticipate our reactions establishing proper coping mechanisms when they arise.

Emotional intelligence is the intelligence that reminds us of our humanness, enables us to grow and helps us build effective relationships with others.

This is for you if:

  • Du er new to the subject of Empath ferdighetsbygging

  • You feel confused about your emotions

  • Undersøker ekstern verts tilgjengelighet over LAN trouble managing your anxiety and internal critic

  • Scrum Produkteier learn how to communicate your emotions without being defensive

  • You’re passionate about becoming the best version of yourself

  • You’re ready to take your life to the next level!!!

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