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Grunnleggende informasjonsteknologi

Grunnleggende informasjonsteknologi

Pris: $39.99

Are you serious about starting a career in IT, acing tech interviews, og landing your dream job? This course was made for people who answered yes to these questions.

My Fundamentals of Information Technology course is packed with relevant, up-to-date knowledge in the world of computing. First we will get a broad – but comprehensive look at the basics of IT. Types of computers, parts of a computer, computer storage, 5 generations of programming languages, og steps to programming systems and applications will all be covered. Then we will look at computer networking and learn about both wired and wireless networking, IPv4 og IPv6.

An entire section is devoted to database concepts, so get ready to learn the foundational knowledge for data engineering and database design, one of the hottest tech trending topics in 2019. We will learn database theory, database concepts, and various models for databases.

Then we will learn about XML – the Extensible Markup Language. We will learn XML uses, syntaks, and all about elements and attributes. XML is often used for data interchange and is an important language for all IT professionals to be familiar with.

After that we will learn about JSON – JavaScript Object Notation. We will learn JSON syntax, JSON validation, and the differences between JSON and XML. JSON is used for data interchange and is popular due to its ease of use, readability, and the fact that it is easily parsed on the client side.

Then comes a whole section on Charles Proxy, the industry’s leading software for intercepting web requests and responses. This will help us to gain a better understanding of how the internet works. If you are an aspiring web developer, app developer, or network engineer Charles is one of those tools you want to be sure to have under your belt.

After that is a section called “Ultimate Guide to IT terms and jargon”. This section is the ultimate review resource before an IT test, du vil demonstrere hvor mye du vil ha jobben ved å forklare hvordan du ville bli involvert i alle de fantastiske skoleprogrammene du har hørt så mye om, eller nettverk session. Key industry vocabulary is taught in an easy-to-understand way so you can talk the lingo of an IT pro.

Then comes what I view as the most useful section of the course, Starting a Career in IT. This section isn’t about IT facts, it is my personal help to you for landing your dream job. I provide a PDF resume template based on the structure and style of my own resume, which has landed me two high paying tech jobs in NYC and an interview with Google. I walk you through writing a resume with this template step by step. I also give you insider tips on preparing for an interview, acing an IT exam, and building hands-on experience to showcase to employers.

På toppen av det, this course comes with a comprehensive review sheet of the material taught. Not a boring moment in this action packed course.

Everything is taught in an easy-to-understand way so it is beginner friendly i tillegg til very informative, spennende, og moro. If you are serious about learning about IT and taking your skills to the next level, then welcome aboard.

This course features:

  • A whole section dedicated to teaching you resume writing, interview prep, and everything you need to know to land a job in IT

  • Action-packed sections with up-to-date, relevant industry information on each subject that they cover

  • Hands-on section using Charles web proxy software

  • Section on some of the hottest IT topics in 2019 including Database Design, Computer Networking, og mer

  • Free PDF resume template (Dette kurset kunne spart meg for mye tid på å prøve å få alle konseptene på en forståelig måte) inkludert!

  • Free PDF cover letter template (Dette kurset kunne spart meg for mye tid på å prøve å få alle konseptene på en forståelig måte) inkludert!

  • Comprehensive course review sheet (Dette kurset kunne spart meg for mye tid på å prøve å få alle konseptene på en forståelig måte) inkludert!

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