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How To Author a Best-Selling Science Fiction Novel & MOVIE

How To Author a Best-Selling Science Fiction Novel & MOVIE

Pris: $19.99

Many of us wonder if we have a best selling book inside us based on our experiences in life. This course will teach you how to create a book for Amazon, Audible, Kindle etc. that will have its best chance to become a best-seller if you fully absorb the concepts that we teach you here in this course. Also included are excerpts for a recent book I did that is going to the top of all Best-Selling Book lists because we wrote it with the Science Fiction fans of this era in mind. We are all spoiled by some of the best Sci-fi in history in stories like Star Trek, Star Wars, 2001 – A Space Odyssey, Alien, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, etc. This course will teach you how to generate top of the line stories like these and then how to publish them correctly where they can earn you millions.

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