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Improving Emotional Intelligence the Vim Way (lesson #1of24)

Improving Emotional Intelligence the Vim Way (lesson #1of24)

Pris: $19.99

This is the 1st step on your journey to authenticity and improving your emotional intelligence the Vim Way.

The process that you may soon start is centered around the creation of positive energy and the experience of “joyous vitality” – also known as – “VIM”

In order to tap into this pure, radiant energy, du må:

  • Put down your mask.

  • Look deeply into your shadows within.

  • Rediscover the power of awareness & right action.

The task is simple, but not easy.

You will begin by learning to understand and recognize Energi 1 (dvs. Negative Energy)your single most dangerous enemy.

Two traits of Negative Energy make it so formidable.

  1. It is cunningly adroit at entering our psyche when you are tired.

  2. It is very pervasive in nature.

After identifying that which depletes your energy and inner spirit, we will work together to re-discover and build mechanisms to create Energi 2 (dvs. Positive Energy) in lesson #2 av 24 as we travel together along your path to self-awareness, self-actualization and improving your emotional intelligence.

We hope that you join us.

Be Well.

Russell Owens

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