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Information Systems Certification & Accreditation Profession

Information Systems Certification & Accreditation Profession

Pris: $94.99

The Information Systems Certification and Accreditation Professional (ISCAP) training course is based on the concepts around certifying, reviewing and accrediting an information system. This vendor-neutral certification course is designed to provide in-depth guide to establishing a certifiable and accredited information system in any organization. The course is based on the official certification exam contents and enables the students to appear in the exam. The course covers all the standards to implement the processes used to evaluate risk and institute security baselines and requirements.

The Information Systems Certification and Accreditation Professional (ISCAP) course covers everything you need to know about becoming an Information Systems Certification and Accreditation Professional. Students are able to learn about the risk management framework, software development life cycle, categorizing information systems, selecting security controls, implementing security controls, assessing security controls, authorizing information systems, and monitoring security controls.


The Information Systems Certification and Accreditation Professional exam is taken online through Mile2’s Assessment and Certification System ("MACS"), som er tilgjengelig på din mile2-konto. Eksamen vil ta 2 timer og består av 100 flervalgsspørsmål. Kostnaden er $400 USD og må kjøpes fra Mile2.

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