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Learn Microsoft ASP.Net Core 3.0 fort

Learn Microsoft ASP.Net Core 3.0 fort

Pris: $19.99

Med dette kurset, you will learn how to build modern Web APIs with ASP.Net Core 3.0. You will learn step by step, how to create new Web API, implements controllers and endpoints and how to process and respond to a web request. I’ll show you how to introduce Dependency Injection, error handling, logging and provide configuration. We will connect to SQL database with EntityFramework Core og Dapper. We will deploy our application in Azure and check its performance with Application Insights.

I’ll show you the whole modern application development, that everyone is so excited about.

Tools needed for this course:

I dette kurset, all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio, but you can use Visual Studio Code, som er gratis, cross-platform IDE. Du kan, selvfølgelig, use any code editor you like on Windows, Linux or Mac, so it’s really up to you

Is this course for you?

This course goes through all the important aspects and possibilities of .Net Core 3.0. It’s very practical and most of the time after a very short introduction, we will learn while coding our Web API. Many times I’ll show you different ways to do stuff and discuss what to choose depending on what you need. If you like to learn things by practice, this course is definitely for you.

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