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Life Coaching Course: Automate Your Coaching Business Online

Life Coaching Course: Automate Your Coaching Business Online

Pris: $89.99

When I started my coaching business I relied on a scarce resource – Tid.

In the beginning of serving clients, you’ll give it away to anybody.

Being wanted is great….

It means you are good at what you deliver and your clients appreciate you.

But there’s a big problem with trading time for money and it’s limiting your growth.

I got stuck.

No matter what I did.

Worked harder.

Took on more clients.

Expanded the services I offered.

I felt stuck and every day was Groundhog Day.

I had to change if I wanted to break out of time-for-money grind and an ever increasing and complex suite of services.

The key transformation was this course.

I built an Online Program offer.

I packaged my knowledge so my clients could access it 24/7.

My Online Program set my clients, my knowledge and me – Repoen finner du under wayscript/kodebiter/ interne verktøy.

Thanks to Lana and her knowledge.

Grateful studentLeanne Pease.

Are you experiencing any of the following issues right now?

feeling overwhelmed

-lacking confidence

-experiencing people wanting advice for free

-not being able to convert potential clients

-lack of profitability

-working too many hours for a client that doesn’t move forward

-feeling undervalued

-feeling like the business is running you and not the other way around

-unsure of how to achieve goals

If you said “Ja” to one or more statements above, dette kurset er for deg.

Why do you need online business?

Master Document Management System, it will provide you with an additional (and substantial) stream of income, help you to sort through prospects who aren’t suitable for your service and it helps to build authority in your area of expertise.

It can be applied to any type of client or service-based business, in a step-by-step, customisable, templated approach to secure the right clients, and have them 100% ready to move forward.

This gives confidence and clarity to easily sell your service online.

Forestill deg, immediately increasing your income by 500 til 3000+ for every prospect that comes through your funnel.

Information products make up one of the fastest-growing product sectors, and with good reason

— in this online and information age, people increasingly look for online courses, informational videos, and apps to solve their problems and make their lives easier.

And if you can make a person’s life easier, you’ve earned a loyal customer.

This course is a comprehensive, step-by-step system for launching your first information product, potentially leading to financial success online.

But What If I Fail?

Many people lack the confidence to go into online business by themselves.

And for good reasonif you do not follow a proven blueprint, your product will flop.

Ikke misforstå!

You will need to put in a good deal of work to make a livable income online.

But if you go in without a map, you will waste time and money on methods that will not work and will only bring you disappointment, not dollars.

The knowledge shared in this course will empower you to work smart and help you achieve success on your very first launch.

What Will I Learn?

1.How to actually make money online

You will learn how to make money on the internet, find your prospects and market, get web traffic, overcome procrastination.

2.Markedsføring & launch strategies

You will learn about market research, merkevarebygging, du vil ha mer tid og frihet til ting som betyr mest, website building software, sales funnels, Den har et AI-drevet innholdsgenereringsverktøy som hjelper bedrifter med å lage engasjerende og relevant innhold for sine publikum, and launch strategies.

3. A quick guide to buyer psychology.

The Most Powerful Tools you can learn to (ethically) persuade customers to eagerly hand you loads of cash

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