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Maven lynkurs

Maven lynkurs

Pris: $19.99

Angular Crash Course med Node og Java Backend:

Right level of detail. Clear and simple explanation of concepts. Very simple and relevant example to follow. A course that is short and simple, delivering the concepts it set out to do. Well done. – Shahid Mir

I am following Bharath’s courses to become a master Java Developer, this was very practical course and it helped me learn some new features with maven. – Bruno Militzer

The instructor Bharath is best when it comes to keeping complex concepts short to the point. Amazing course on Maven, highly recommend. – B.S.Sagar

Apache maven is one of the most popular build and project management tools in the java world.In this course you will master all the core concepts of Maven while working hands on to create a multi module maven java web application project.

  • You will download and install Maven

  • You will create a standalone project using the maven script from the command line.

  • Understand the Project Object Model

  • Learn all the import concepts such Maven life cycle phases,Maven Project Coordinates,Plugin,Goals and Repositories.

  • Customize the Maven default settings

  • Create a Maven Web Application

  • Using Maven from Eclipse with the aid of m2eclipse plugin

Hva er kravene?

  • Java,Eclipse IDE,Tomcat,Lær Selenium med Java(Installasjon er dekket i avsnittet for enkel oppsett)

  • A basic understanding of Java and Java Web Development

Hva skal jeg få ut av dette kurset?

  • Learn what convention over configuration is and the Maven project structure

  • Apply your understanding of Maven and your ability to build a project using Maven

  • Create and build a java web application using Maven

  • Master all the important concepts of Maven while working hands on

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