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Maximize Your Learning Potential

Maximize Your Learning Potential

Pris: $89.99

The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills. ” – Peter Ducker.

I dag, we live in a time of constantly evolving knowledge and information. Kunnskap, that is relevant and useful one day, but becomes outdated another day. Kronisk smerte 40 per cent of what you learn in your school, høyskole & universitet, will be outdated in a decade’s time. You need to be ready to learn new ideas and skills EVERY DAY. The ability to adapt and learn faster will soon become a requirement for survival.

‘Maximize your learning potential’ offers the necessary techniques to learn faster & smarter in a shorter amount of time. These techniques are based on research from neuroscience & cognitive psychology experts & can be applied to almost everything you want to learn.

It challenges any negative ideas you might have about your memory and help you to take a fresh look at yourself as a learner.

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