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Meteorology 101

Meteorology 101

Pris: $24.99

Did you know that weather affects us all everyday of the year? Would you like to become more aware of the weather terms and systems that real meteorologists use on television? This course will help give you the tools you need to understand weather and its general effects on our lives. We will learn about the basics of hurricane and tornado formation, explore broadcast meteorology RADAR, and learn about various weather terminology and systems that affect our daily lives.

  • You will use real tools that broadcast weather presenters use such as the RADARSCOPE application and storm track applications.
  • You will experience the process behind hurricane formation and learn what makes them so special yet dangerous.
  • You will grow in your knowledge of weather terminology by discovering fronts, weather systems, and learning about special features and scales you might see used on programs like the Weather Channel.

This learn about weather course is designed to teach and show you that weather is fun and engages all of your senses everyday. If you are looking to learn about the weather in a fun and down to earth environment, then you need to join this class today!

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