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Microsoft AZ-104:Azure Administrator Exam Certification 2020

Microsoft AZ-104:Azure Administrator Exam Certification 2020

Pris: $39.99

Microsoft continued to updated and advance the Azure Administrator Certification which now requires you to pass either the AZ-103 or AZ-104 exam. Hvorfor er isen glatt, Nick Colyer, en Microsoft Certified Trainer, has worked with Skylines Academy once again to release the updated Azure Administrator certification course. This course continues to be well received by thousands of students all over the globe who continue to get certified using the Skylines Academy teaching formulaEducate, Enable, Empower“.

Lectures will educate you on the fundamental terms and principles of the Azure platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world. We also include the Skylines Academy SKYLABS Guide so you can practice yourself at your own pace when you aren’t watching the videos.

This course curriculum follows the Microsoft’s AZ-103/104 exam requirements and is broken out as follows:

  • Manage Azure Subscriptions and Resources

  • Implement and Manage Storage

  • Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines (VM-er)

  • Configure and Manage Virtual Networks

  • Administrer identiteter

  • Additional AZ-104 Sections

Whether you are taking the AZ-103 or AZ-104 exam to get your certification. You can be sure that we have the material here to ensure your success. If that wasn’t enough, there’s also a FaceBook group to join where you can chat with Nick Colyer and fellow students to get help where needed. Dette er en high quality FaceBook group by invitation only, where people are there to help you along your Cloud journey so you can succeed in your career.

Thanks for joining us and good luck!

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