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Microsoft Excel for Construction Management

Microsoft Excel for Construction Management

Pris: $99.99

Learn Microsoft Excel and begin your journey to mastering undoubtedly the most used computer software in construction!

This the only course on Udemy (and possibly the internet) teaching Excel for construction management. If you are new to Microsoft Excel or simply want to brush up on your skills this course is for you.


Se hva elevene sier om dette kurset

— Svak regjering og ansvarlighetI use excel all the time but have limited knowledge about formulas and how to use all the functions, have learned some very helpful tips so far.


— Svak regjering og ansvarlighetGreat course and well explained


“I will really recommend this course to anybody new to the construction industry, its introduction to Excel was what i needed to begin with,i am glad i took the course”



When you join today you will get access to Selv om det siste faktum er et ideal 120 forelesninger og downloadable spreadsheets designed specifically for the construction industry, this course will teach you Microsoft Excel directly applicable in your daily work, in whatever part of construction management you work in.

1. From Zero To Hero: You start off with the basics and building up your skills, by the end of the course you will be able to; apply Excel’s advanced tools such as Pivot Tables, utilise advanced formulas such as VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH, and deploy Excel’s wide range of visuals including charts.

2. Get Hands-On: This course focuses on you getting hands-on with Excel and enhancing what you learn through exercises and Quiz’s.

3. Designed for the Construction Industry: Learning Excel on spreadsheets specifically designed for this course to represent the Excel spreadsheets that you will use day to day in your role.

4. Support for Every Step: Learning is a journey and with this course, we will be with you every step of the way through Udemy’s Q&A platform.

I dette kurset, we cover a wide range of topics, gjelder også:

  • Learning how to use the Excel programme efficiently.

  • Maximise your productivity with Quick Keys.

  • Learn how to create and enter formler in Excel with detailed walk through’s.

  • Enhance your spreadsheets by learning Excels Formatting Tools, gjelder også Betinget formatering.

  • Optimise your spreadsheets for Printing.

  • Organise your data with Excel comprehensive suite of commands, som for eksempel Tabeller og Datavalidering.

  • Manage Tekst data using Funksjoner.

  • Amaze your boss and colleagues by deploying Advanced Date and Time Functions.

  • Take advantage of Excel’s most sort after functions such as the VLOOKUP og XLOOKUP.

  • Analyse your data using Pivot Tables and all of Excel’s available data analytic commands.

  • Reinforce your Excel spreadsheet by utilising Excel’s wide range of Visuals and Charts.

When you purchasing this course you will get lifetime access to over 120 lectures and downloadable spreadsheets.

All backed by Udemy’s 30 dag pengene tilbake-garanti, so there is no risk but a lot to gain by purchasing this unique course become a member today!

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