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Microsoft MS-101 Certification: M365 Mobility and Security

Microsoft MS-101 Certification: M365 Mobility and Security

Pris: $99.99

With the NEW MS-101 Certification Course: M365 Mobility and Security, you’ll be able to take and pass the MS-101 exam. This exam, coupled with the MS-100 exam, will award you the “Microsoft 365 Certified” Enterprise Administrator Expert” certification.

As a prerequisite for this course, it is recommended that you:

  • Have some foundational knowledge of Microsoft 365 features and services. If you are looking to gain a base knowledge of M365, check out the Skylines Academy MS-900 M365 Fundamentals course.

  • Have taken and passed the MS-100: M365 Identity and Services exam. If you haven’t taken the course or exam yet, have a look at the Skylines Academy MS-100 M365 Identity and Services course, also by David Hood.

This course includes the following curriculum:

· Introduction and Study Resources

· Implement Modern Device Services

· Implement M365 Security and Threat Management

· Manage M365 Governance and Compliance

Lectures will educate you on the terms and principles of the M365 platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world.

Welcome to the Skylines Academy MS-101 course! We’re happy you’re joining us!

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