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Motivasjon: You Can Become a Motivational Speaker

Motivasjon: You Can Become a Motivational Speaker

Pris: $159.99

Motivasjon. Motivational Speaking: You Can Become a Motivational Speaker

Imagine yourself speaking on the stage in front of hundreds or thousands of people. Your words are inspiring and motivating your audience to make changes and take positive actions. You can lead from the platform!

How to Be a Motivational SpeakerMotivasjon

SEO Training Masterclass “How to be a Motivational SpeakerMotivasjon course you will learn the fundamentals of how to structure a motivational speech and how to run a motivational speaking business. Everyone has a story to their life, but not everyone has a story that is interesting enough or compelling enough to motivate other people from the platform. This course will guide you through the process of positioning yourself, crafting your speech, improving your platform skills and building a motivational speaking business.

TJ Walker is a coach and trainer to motivational speakers around the globe. I tillegg, he gives motivational speeches worldwide on the power of personal expression.

Why wait even one more day before you can start sharing your message with others? Sign up today for this course today.

Det er en 100% Pengene-tilbake-garanti for dette Motivasjon kurs. Og instruktøren gir også en forsterket garanti.

What will students achieve or be able to do after taking the Motivasjon kurs?

  • Motivate speaking audiences

  • Develop a keynote speech

  • Create a motivational speaking business model

What do Udemy students think of this Motivasjon kurs?

“5 Stjerner! I like how he givings me the straight forward truth. He is teaching me how to practice what I preach and how to connect with my audience.Nicholas Warfield

If you feel like this is the right course for you, enroll today!

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