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MS-500: Microsoft 365 Sikkerhetsadministrasjon : Tester 2021

MS-500: Microsoft 365 Sikkerhetsadministrasjon : Tester 2021

Pris: $29.99

MS-500: Microsoft 365 Sikkerhetsadministrasjon : Tester 2021

MS-500 exam candidates are implement, få til, and monitor security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 and hybrid environments. Candidates for this exam are familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and have strong skills and experience with identity protection, information protection, threat protection, security management, and data governance.

The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator proactively secures Microsoft 365 enterprise environments, responds to threats, performs investigations, and enforces data governance.

Denne øvelsestesten will help you prepare for the real Microsoft MS-500 official exam test environment.

Exam MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration Exam Topics :

Implementere og administrere identitet og tilgang

  • Secure Microsoft 365 hybrid environments

  • Secure Identities

  • Implement authentication methods

  • Implement conditional access

  • Implement role-based access control (konfigurere Azure AD Join)

  • Implement Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

  • Implement Azure AD Identity Protection

Implementer og administrer trusselbeskyttelse

  • Implement an enterprise hybrid threat protection solution

  • Implement device threat protection

  • Implement and manage device and application protection

  • Implement and manage Microsoft Defender for Office 365

  • Monitor Microsoft 365 Security with Azure Sentinel

Implementere og administrere informasjonsbeskyttelse

  • Secure data access within Office 365

  • Manage sensitivity labels

  • Manage Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

  • Implement and manage Microsoft Cloud App Security

Administrer styrings- og samsvarsfunksjoner i Microsoft 365

  • Configure and analyze security reporting

  • Manage and analyze audit logs and reports

  • Manage data governance and retention

  • Manage search and investigation

  • Manage data privacy regulation compliance

Dette er et uoffisielt kurs, og dette kurset er ikke tilknyttet, lisensiert eller varemerket med Microsoft på noen måte.

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