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MS Excel for Project Managers

MS Excel for Project Managers

Pris: $94.99

With about 5 Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate, this is the most comprehensive course on how to leverage MS Excel to develop project artifacts that can help you manage projects.

Gain step-by-step instruction on how to develop various project management artifacts leveraging MS Excelfrom the Action Item Document to leveraging pivot tables to generate project financial analysis.

Informasjon som samles inn er fra spesifikk tidligere arbeidserfaring this is not a theory course but a course to teach you specific step-by-step procedures to leverage MS Excel to develop project management artifacts.

Leverage real-world examples to increase your knowledge of MS Excel as we work through actual artifacts that you will leverage during your project management career.

Each section ends with a project to help reinforce the knowledge attained. Step-by-step documentation is attached to help you build your own project artifact leveraging MS Excel.

Bonus Project: Build your own Gantt Chart timeline tracker in MS ExcelYou will be taken step-by-step to produce your own Gantt chart where you can track the progress of project tasks visually.

Hvor lang tid vil det ta?

Ønsker å tjene din utdanning på en akkreditert 40 lectures and about 5 Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate, hvis du bare budsjetterer 30 minutter om dagen, du kan fullføre dette kurset på ca 3 uker.

Er det for meg?

This course is for you if you want to learn step-by-step how to leverage MS Excel to help you manage your day to day project management tasks. Ferdighetene du lærer her kan brukes på virkelige prosjekter.

Hva om jeg ikke forstår et emne?

Når du beveger deg gjennom kurset, Jeg vil gi spørsmål der du kan kontakte meg på nettstedet mitt med spørsmål eller tilbakemeldinger. Jeg vil PERSONLIG komme tilbake til deg for å svare på eventuelle spørsmål du måtte ha.

Hva du vil lære

  • How to create your own Gantt chart project task tracker in MS Excel.

  • Linking MS Excel data to MS PowerPoint to develop robust status report presentations.

  • Pivot Tables and Charting of Project financial data.

  • Mathematical functions such as Sum, Avg, IRR, or NPV and how to use them to analyze which project to undertake.

  • Cell Referencing across multiple worksheets to help you consolidate data into one sheet.

  • Data validation and Conditional Formatting to help your users avoid entering invalid data into your sheets.

  • Lookup functions such as VLOOKUP AND INDEX MATCH to find data nested within data tables.

  • Techniques to help you enter data quickly into your spreadsheets.

  • Font & Border alignment, cell merging, number formats, the format painter, and tab colors/themes.

  • Analytical functions such as SumIf, Hvis, Eller, IfError, and CountIf to analyze data that only meets certain conditions.

Hvem dette kurset er for:

  • Project Managers who want to leverage MS Excel to develop robust project artifacts

  • Anyone who wants to develop robust analytical tools in MS Excel to analyze data.

  • Senior Managers who want to better understand the project metrics.

  • PMO-analytikere som ønsker å forstå den økonomiske ytelsen til prosjekter.

  • De “tilfeldig” project or program manager who wants to understand how to leverage artifacts to do their jobs better.

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