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PostgreSQL, PGadmin, SQL Tutorial + Miniprosjekt!

PostgreSQL, PGadmin, SQL Tutorial + Miniprosjekt!

Pris: $79.99

PostgreSQL is the most advanced and the most popular Open Source Relational Database used in the industry for enterprise applications. Postgresql is known for it’s standard compliance (ACID compliant), and ensures great reliability, robustness, and performance, even with large set of concurrent users.

PostgreSQL works fine with all modern web frameworks including but not limited to,: Django (Python), node.js (JavaScript), Hibernate (Java), Ruby on rails, PHP, og mange flere. Due to PostgreSQL’s robustness and replication capabilities, websites can easily be scaled out to as many database servers as you need.

It has wonderful analytical capabilities and offers a powerful SQL engine, which makes processing large amounts of data in efficient manner.

Why PostgreSQL?

Posrgresql offer,

  • Better standard compliance to ACID properties

  • Better performance for read and write operations (Crucial for performing Data Analysis and Data Warehousing)

  • Better performance in handling complex queries

  • Better security with builtin SSL Support and communication is encrypted

  • Great support for cloud infrastructures like AWS, Microsoft Azure, etc

  • Supports NoSQL Features

  • Supports a wide range of programming languages (C, C++, Java, Python, Java Script, R, Perl, Programmeringsressurser, etc..)

  • Offers rich set of features for administration

  • Zero downtime upgrades

Hvorfor dette kurset?

This course will start with an assumption that you don’t know anything about Database. We will start, right form the very basic question, “What is Database?” to more and more advanced concepts (refer course content below). Kort oppsummert, if you want to learn PostgreSQL and you don’t even have knowledge on RDBMS, da er du på rett sted! You will love this course.

Here are some organic reviews I received from students who took this course,

This is another excellent course in the database with this tutor. I am now some part of the course and it is very engaging.

This course is well organized and clear explanation. No unnecessary junk, just the right content!”

I recommend this course to anyone who want to get started with postgresql. The instructor is knowledgeable and knows his stuff well. The mini project in the end is useful

Apart from PostgreSQL, Du vil lære om ‘PGadminwhich is administrative tool for Database Administrators. Du vil lære ‘Programmeringsressurser‘ (Postgresql specific) which is a language to communicate with the Database. Du vil lære om ‘Java arvwith is essentially a glue code, that will enable your application to interact with the Database.

We are also going to create a CRUD Application by combining all the components. We will follow the MVC design pattern to do so.

jeg har over 11 Years of corporate experience in creating enterprise Java applications and been teaching online/offline for over 6 år. I’ve contributed to many ambitious projects in the industry. Selv om, I did not work as a Database Administrator specifically, I have used PostgreSQL as the Database solution for the projects I worked on. I have great exposure to the entire stack of Java technologies and in this course, I will fill the gaps related to the Database and specifically PostgreSQL.

High Level Course Content

Introduction to the course

  • Components of DBMS and its architecture

  • RDBMS terminologies

  • Structured Query Language with PostgreSQL

  • Basic Operations

  • SQL Constraints

  • Working with Relations

  • Fetching Data

  • SQL Joins

  • Queries and Result Sets

  • Sub Queries

  • DBMS through PostgreSQL and PgAdmin

  • PostgreSQL Users and Roles

  • Database Views

  • Transaksjoner

  • PgAdmin Stored Procedures

  • Utløsere

  • Schema Objects

  • Bruk bulkbinding og RETURNING-klausulen med DML, DML, DCL, TCL, and Postgres Commands

  • PgAdmin Components

  • Designing a database and good practices!

  • MVC Architecture and Mini Project

I hope to see you there!

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