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Prosjekter i Linux – Lær Linux å gjøre prosjekter i den virkelige verden

Prosjekter i Linux – Lær Linux å gjøre prosjekter i den virkelige verden

Pris: $59.99

Become familiar with Linux using this comprehensive hands-on course!

While other courses leave you hanging with textbook information about a technology, we have designed a course that specifically helps you with the question – what comes next?

This Linux Projects course has been created to help you get a hands-on experience with the Linux distros, as well as how to install a distro and even set up a complete back up server from scratch. The course has been designed for newbies and beginners, but it does require you have to some type of familiarity with any of the Linux distros to help make the transition easier.

This comprehensive tutorial has been built in collaboration with a Linux expert who has created the perfect way to not only become familiar with Linux but also master the art of building servers easily.

Ved hjelp av 8 different projects and a series of examples at every step, you’ll be guided into installing a Linux distro, building your own server and even performing a series of different tasks. That’s not all the course also comes equipped with a series of quizzes that can help you enhance your learning experience and your knowledge at the end of each section.

8 Projects That The Course Covers includes:

Prosjekt 1: Linux Installation for Desktops

Prosjekt 2: Backup and Streaming

Prosjekt 3: Linux for Clustering

Prosjekt 4: Using Linux as A web Server

Prosjekt 5: Using Linux as a Proxycache Server

Prosjekt 6: Linux as a Database Server

Prosjekt 7: Automation Using BASH

Prosjekt 8: Using Linux for programming

You’ll start at the very beginning by learning how to install Linux, and then go over the basic commands and functions that are required to operate it. From there you’ll learn about creating a complete back up server as well as how to back up and restore your files. You will also learn how to create clusters, use Linux as a web server and a proxycache server, and also how to automate your desktop and tasks by writing BASH Scripts from scratch.

På slutten av dette kurset, you will have enough experience with Linux that you’ll be able to install and create your own servers!

Enroll now and let’s get started building your own server with this Linux Project Course!

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