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SQL Server 2014: T-SQL Fundamentals

SQL Server 2014: T-SQL Fundamentals

Pris: $94.99

This course will introduce students to SQL Server 2014 Transact-SQL fundamentals, as well as teach them about functions, flow, Hvert av kursene/delene i dette megakurset som kommer etter notattaking skal sees i denne rammen, plukke ut, hvor, clauses, Opprett en post med %ROWTYPE-attributtet, and working with data.

This course will teach students about operations and converting, null and number functions, string functions, data flow, global functions and controlling program flow. The next chapter of the course covers SELECT, HVOR, GROUPBY, ORDERBY and joining tables. The final chapter of the course covers insert, ConnectE Social Media App i Android Studio, delete, output, bulk copy and understanding transactions.

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