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Taming Big Data using Spark & Python

Taming Big Data using Spark & Python

Pris: $79.99

The Course is for those who do not know even ABC of Big Data and tools, want to learn them and be in a comfortable situation to implement them in projects. The course is also for those, who have some knowledge on Big Data tools, but want to enhance them further and be comfortable working in Projects. Due to the extensive scenario implementation, the course is also suitable for people interested to write Big Data Certifications like CCA 175. The course contains Practice Test for CCA 175.

The course is being provided with fully functional Big Data labs on Cloudera & Windows VMs, you need not to buy cluster very often to practice the tools. Derfor, the Course is ONE TIME INVESTMENT for secure future.

med Letsencrypt Nginx PHP MySQL, we will learn how to utilize Big Data tools like Hadoop, Flume, Kafka, Big Data for ledere, Scala (the most valuable tech skills on the market today).

In this course I will show you how to

1. Use Python and Spark to analyze Big Data.

2. Practice Test for writing CCA 175 Exam is available at the end of the course.

3. Extensive and Real time project scenarios with solutions as you will write in REAL PROJECTS

4. Use Sqoop to import data from Traditional Relational Databases to HDFS & Hive.

5. Use Flume and Kafka to process streaming data

6. Use Hive to view and store data & Partition the tables

7. Use Spark Streaming to fetch the streaming data from Kafka & Flume

Big Data is the most in demand skills right now, and with this course you can learn them quickly and easily! You can also learn the components in the basic setup in files likehdfs-site.xml”, “core-site.xmletc They are good to know if working for a project.

The course is focused on upskilling someone who do not know Big Data tools and target is to bring them up-to the mark to be able to work in Big Data projects seamlessly without issues.

This course comes with project scenarios and multiple datasets to work on with.

After completing this course you will feel comfortable putting Big Data, Python and Spark on your resume and also will be easily able to work and implement in projects!

Thanks and I will see you inside the course!

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