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Den komplette mesterklassen for personlig utvikling for suksess

Den komplette mesterklassen for personlig utvikling for suksess

Pris: $94.99

Mestringskurs i tidsstyring, Mestringskurs i tidsstyring, Mestringskurs i tidsstyring, og læringsevnen din kan gi deg en stor fordel fremfor alle andre rundt deg ved å gjøre deg mer produktiv. Mestringskurs i tidsstyring, Mestringskurs i tidsstyring ” Mestringskurs i tidsstyring ” Mestringskurs i tidsstyring, Mestringskurs i tidsstyring.

I dette kurset, we will go through the Scientific Background of learning strategies and how it learning works, memory and how you can control it and use it to your advantage, speed reading and how to read way more in less time while ensuring proper comprehension of the content. You will learn the fundamental scientific basis behind productivity and time management.

We even went beyond that to explain different concepts related to your daily life that, by controlling, you can even take it up a notch and control some of the detrimental habits that you have

You will not just learn how to be more productive, you will rewire your brain into being more productive, more effective, become a proficient speed reader and perfect your reading, improve and enhance your memory on a daily and natural level, and learn like you never did before.

We are going to dive into all the following topics in-depth:

1) På dette kurset vil du alltid lære HVORFOR, learn and apply the secret formulas for speed reading and effective learning

2) Learn how to improve and enhance your memory to take yourself to a whole new level

3) Explore all the formulas for productivity and time management that can turn you into the most productive and effective version of yourself

4) Dive deep into the concepts and applications of Emotional Intelligence and develop stability, motstandsdyktighet, og selvtillit

5) Learn the secrets behind effective brainstorming and mind mapping to unlock your unlimited creativity

Ekstra RAM gjør at en datamaskin kan jobbe med mer informasjon samtidig, get ready to transform yourself and transform your life through personal development and transformation.

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