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The Complete Python Hacking Course: Nybegynner til avansert!

The Complete Python Hacking Course: Nybegynner til avansert!

Pris: $109.99

If you would like to master ethical hacking, you are going to LOVE our bestselling Python kurs! Learn ethical hacking and penetration testing while working on practical Python coding projects. We will cover the following topics in this course:

  • Introduction and setup

  • Port and vulnerability scanning

  • SSH and FTP attacks

  • Password cracking

  • Sniffers, flooders and spoofers

  • DNS spoofing

  • Network analysis

  • Coding a multi-functioning reverse shell

  • Keyloggers

  • Command and control center

  • Website penetration testing

This course was designed for students interested in intermediate to advanced level ethical hacking tutorials, however it is still taught in a step-by-step, beginner friendly method. English subtitles are available and all lectures are downloadable for offline viewing. 1 på 1 assistance with the coding projects is available within the discussion forum.

Still not sold? Check out these great reviews!

It’s already fun wow. I enjoy learning ethical hacking and python

Great even for non-programmers!”

“Flott kurs”

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope to see you in the course!

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