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The science of success: How to achieve everything

The science of success: How to achieve everything

Pris: $69.99

Imagine for a moment that your life does not change over the next 20 år.

Go forward for 20 years and answer the question to yourselfam I sorry that I did not find the courage and strength to change everything in my life?

If you realize that you have something to strive for, if future you are unhappy with the current state of thingswelcome to this course!

I dette kurset, I combined information that I gained over 15 years of work in the oil and gas industry and 10 years of psychology.

There is more practice than theory! Why we should waste time on bla-bla-bla, when you can already make the first step to the fulfillment of the cherished dream?

The best business strategies and psychological practices are combined in one course so that you learn:

How to believe in yourself

How to hear your desires

How to set the right goals

How to find time, overcome laziness and motivate yourself to act

How to harmoniously achieve results

Following the simple recommendations given at this course, performing practical tasks – i bare 19 days you will have:

LIST of goals that you want to start to achieve right now!

A PLAN to achieve them, harmoniously embedded in your daily life

FAITH that everything (and even more) is possible!

The right goal is 10% of the success.

The right plan for achieving is another 70%.

The belief that everything is possible guarantees you a 100% fulfillment of your cherished dream!

Any goal

Change for the better

Gå ned i vekt

Build a business

Buy a dream car

Build a house

Meet the love of your life

will become a reality after you take this course.

And if not, you still have a money back guarantee.

Make up your mind!

Give yourself one more chance!

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