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User Stories in Agile Projects | Mastering User Stories

User Stories in Agile Projects | Mastering User Stories

Pris: $79.99

Increase the success of your agile project with high-quality User Stories, which describe the wishes of the users in a simple and experience-oriented way.

Many companies today take an agile approach to project execution. Besides the project organization according to the agile framework, a major challenge is the definition and documentation of requirements. I fortiden, this was created in the form of a classic requirements documentation, but in agile projects however, User Stories are utilized.

A User Story is a short and simple requirement description, which usually consists of only one or two sentences.These sentences alone could not replace a complete requirements documentation, but if written correctly and processed correctly in the project team, it will unfold an enormous value.

In this course you will learn how to write such User Stories in high quality, how to work on further requirements in the team, how to define acceptance criteria and much more. The goal of the course is to make you an expert in the field of User Stories, no matter if you are completely new in this field or if you have already gained some experience.

Included in this course:

  • 26 HQ Video Lectures that will help you to understand the content in a clearly structured and simple way

  • Quiz at the end of each chapter to help you check what you have learned and to test yourself

  • Dette Six Sigma Green Belt-sertifiseringskurset forutsetter at du ikke har noen tidligere prosessforbedringsbakgrunn og reading recommendations to further deepen the knowledge gained

  • Full tilgang til livet, meaning that the contents are available to you for an unlimited time. So you can use them to look up information if you are unsure or to complete the lessons at your own speed.

  • 30-Dag pengene tilbake-garanti

Whether you are completely new to the field of User Stories, or have already gained some experience in this area, this course will help you turn theory into practice and to create high quality User Stories.

Sign up for the course today and I look forward to seeing you in the Lectures!

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