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Become A Learning Machine 2.0: Czytać 300 Books This Year

Become A Learning Machine 2.0: Czytać 300 Books This Year

Cena: $119.99

W tym kursie, I’ll show you the entire, FULLY UPDATED step-by-step blueprint I’ll use to read over 300 books this year.

Because reading isn’t just something you should doit’s a must if you want to live your dreams.

It’s no wonder Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elona Muska, Mark Cuban, Will Smith and many more of the world’s most radically successful people read more in a month than most people do in a decade.

W tym kursie, I’ll help you become a learning machine as well.

Pokażę ci, jak wybrać odpowiednie książki, and how to get through them as quickly as humanly possible so you can take what you learn to get real results in your life.

If you want to read more fiction books, this course isn’t for you. This also isn’t a course just on “Większość ludzi uczy się w szkole, jak grać w skomplikowaną grę w czytanie” because I prefer reading the right things than reading the wrong things quickly.

All I care about is reading a book or two a day and using what I learn to make my life better. If you want to do the same, this course can change your life (I know because many of the students of the course have told me exactly that!)

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn inside:

1. The ONE change you need to make to change how you read forever

2. Why everything you learned in school stops you from reading more than 20 books a year (i co z tym zrobić)

3. A not so obvious, hidden benefit of reading that will make you want to read every, single day

4. ten 300 Book Excel Sheet: Use this excel sheet to perfectly organize the hundreds of books you’ll read this year [Wykład 10]

5. A little known trick that can INSTANTLY double your reading speed

6. The Double Time Solution”: A Simple thing you can do to read twice as many books without spending ANY extra time

7. How to make sure you read all the time

8. Do you do THIS after you read? Jeśli nie, all that time reading could be a total waste

9. How to use what you learn from books to make more money (or get anything else you want)

10. 3 simple ways to read any book quickly (WSKAZÓWKA: none of them are what we calltraditional reading”)

11. What to do as soon as you open the bookand why it can save you hours

12.How to take notes on a book so you can review it even years later in 20 minutes or less

13. Why dividing all your reading into two specific categories can make you more successful

14. What books to NEVER read

15. How to read even the most technical books in a day – the ones that used to take months to read

16. ten 3 types of books you NEED to read

17. How to permanently memorize everything you read

18. What I learned from a Roman philosopher from 2,000 years ago to organize my bookshelf

I więcej, wiele więcej…

Otrzymasz również dostęp do 8 Ściągawki, aby móc zapamiętać, i wykorzystaj wszystko, co obejmujemy.

Więc zostań maszyną uczącą się i przeczytaj więcej książek, niż kiedykolwiek myślałeś, że to możliwe, po prostu kliknij “weź ten kurs” button because every day you delay is an extra book you could have read.

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