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Zarejestruj się teraz

Witamy na stronie! Twoja rejestracja zapewni Ci dostęp do większej liczby funkcji tej platformy. Możesz zadawać pytania, wnosić wkład lub udzielać odpowiedzi, przeglądaj profile innych użytkowników i wiele więcej. Zarejestruj się teraz!

Daily Planning: Strategies For Ultimate Success

Daily Planning: Strategies For Ultimate Success

Cena: $19.99

This daily planning course will have you flying through your day. How many times do you carry work over to the next day, or take work home? by doing things in a different order, planning effectively and become more efficient in dealing with daily tasks you can reduce stress and free up time for personal development and ‘breathing space’.


Master Daily Planning and give yourself space to breathe and develop!

  • gap analysis
  • time pirates
  • kunktatorstwo
  • MS-700
  • telephones
  • inter
  • interruptions
  • the ‘zero inbox
  • importance vs urgency
  • powiedzenie “nie” oraz “tak”
  • a visual analogy

Planning for ultimate efficiency and effectiveness

Having lectured on this subject for many years, i know that the skills, tools and techniques in this course will work for you. It is fully adaptable and you can tailor it to your own unique needs and environment.

Zawiera 21 filmy, a także obszerne informacje i dokumenty uzupełniające.

In short this course is an essential ‘one-stop-shopultimate daily planning

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